Tara Tainton – It Happened So Naturally

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Tara Tainton – It Happened So Naturally

You’re so far away… my only son, off to university overseas and I am SO excited to get to chat to you… on video! It’s our first time – I don’t know what the heck I am doing with video chat – but I’m so glad to see my darling boy and hear all about your latest adventures. I wish I had more exciting stuff to tell you… truth is, I just miss you. Especially now that your father’s gone on yet another business trip as well. We women… we get lonely, you know. Adult stuff. I just feel so… all alone. And… I can’t say if I was even aware of what I was doing… on camera… while you were there, but so far away, and able to see me. It FELT like you were right there with me – right HERE. And that felt… so… GOOD. I can’t say that I even knew where my fingers were traveling to… how much I was revealing of my body OR about my mood. I can’t say that I had any intention at all. No, I definitely didn’t. It just happened. Things do. Like the most natural thing in the world. I couldn’t have done it… not on my own… not if you hadn’t encouraged me. I couldn’t believe what I saw… when you made me look… when u TOLD me to look at you. I couldn’t believe what you were doing… to yourself… while you were watching me. And I would blame myself – for all of eternity, for what I caused – if you hadn’t told me it was okay… if you hadn’t told me that u WANTED to see me… that you wanted me to do it… that you wanted me to take it off… for you.